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                PMP:Insut project team are experienced project managers in the industry, and obtained     the International Project Management PMP certificate.

                Strong R&D Support:Obtained 42 practical patents, 11 patents of invention, including water-based paint spraying related patent technology. At the same time, we have a strong technical background from the Global R&D Center of Intretech.

                Scientific Quality Management System: “Do not accept, do not produce, do not flow out defective product”, as well as the application of production traceable information system, obtained ISO9001, ISO14001, IATF16949, ISO13485, BRC and other industry quality management system certification.

                Prescision Production Equipment:Adhering to the first-class equipment to produce high-quality products, with Rodès, Makino spark machine, Fanuc, Sumitomo, Toshiba injection molding machine and other industries high-end molding equipment.

                Comprehensive Surface Treatment Process:Integrates plastic spray, printing, vacuum plating, CNC machining and other surface treatment process.      

                Global Production Base:Zhangzhou China, Suzhou China, Malaysia, Hungary production bases will provide customers with more efficient and efficient services.