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                Zhangzhou Insut Industry Co., Ltd.

                Zhangzhou Insut Industry Co., Ltd. was established in 2015, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary invested by Xiamen Intretech (Stock Code: 002925) , focus on precision plastic mold design and manufacturing, precision plastic structural parts injection molding, surface treatment and assembly, has formed research and development, design, production and sales of integrated service system. Insut has passed BRC, ISO9001, IATF16949, ISO13485, ISO14001 and other system certification. Currently the total area of company is 100,000 square meters, with more than 1200 of staff. At the same time, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Intretech, sharing the group’s resources platform, it has formed a highly informative and automated intelligent manufacturing system to meet the collaborative development, customized services, flexible production, information interconnection and other integrated service needs. 

                Insut upholds the core concept of“Team, Promptness, Prosperity, Sibling”, with world-class equipment, makes the first-class products, committed to become a global leader in precision structural intelligence manufacturer!

                Honorary qualification

                Honorary qualification

                In 2015-2016 
                Zhangzhou Insut Industrial Co., Ltd. was established and passed ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification.   
                In 2016-2017
                Zhangzhou Insut was awarded the annual major taxpayer, Fujian science and technology enterprise, Fujian science and technology little giant leading enterprise, and Fujian high-tech enterprise.
                In 2018-2019

                Zhangzhou Insut passed the integration of industrialization and industrialization and IATF16949 certification.

                Zhangzhou Insut passed the integration of industrialization and industrialization and IATF16949 certification.

                Fujian Insut was incorporated.

                In 2020

                Zhangzhou Insut won the provincial leading enterprise of industry and information technology in Fujian Province, and passed ISO13485, BRC, intellectual property certification.

                Insut (Malaysia) GP factory was established.

                Insut (Hungary) was established and started production.

                Zhangzhou Insut was selected as the third batch of green factories in Fujian Province.

                Zhangzhou Insut high-end intelligent manufacturing base laid the foundation.

                In 2021

                Insut (Malaysia) passed ISO 14001, ISO/IATF16949 certification

                Zhangzhou Insut water-based paint spraying center plant was completed and accepted.

                In 2022

                Zhangzhou Insut high-end intelligent manufacturing base put into operation.

                The Mould Department of Zhangzhou Insut High-end Intelligent Manufacturing Base was established.

                OUR TERRITORY

                OUR TERRITORY

                OUR TERRITORY

                OUR TERRITORY

                Four global high-end intelligent manufacturing industry bases

                Four global high-end intelligent manufacturing industry bases

                social responsibility

                culture of caring for others

                social responsibility

                culture of caring for others


                Love follows with responsibility! To be outstanding enterprise isIntretech strategic option and key value. For years,Intretech takessocial livelihood as its own duty and actively participates in and supports kinds of public welfare.It began from 1 RMB love fund to“Xiamen ChunshuiLove Foundation”, Intretech helps those people in need come from enterprises, schools and society by reward, subvention and assistance. Intretech takes love as a lever, prizes and cultivates a love team with vision, mission and responsibility and professional attitude. From a point to a line, from one to all, every sibling is makingtheir contributions to build a beautiful and harmonious society.

                The foundation is named as “Chunshui” with hope that love can irrigate the seedlings and moisten the earthlikes spring water.   




                the caring donation



